
Its been a while!

Hello again!!!!

I've been getting some trouble for not posting new entries so I thought I should get back to it, this one may be a little short but I thought it best to get something on here !
Matt and I made a trip back to Hamilton at the end of January for about a week and a half! Its hard to believe that was already a month ago. It was great and it went way to fast, we had a great time with family and friends. I got to spend a fun filled night out with some great people and have a few too many drinks ( i miss those fun nights) and spend some great quality time with my family (both sides) so it was a good time. I posted the pics on facebook for anyone that wants to take a look! Since we have been home its back to the normal routine, matt working his 4x4 except 2 of those are night shifts (they suck) and me taking care of the hubby, house and dog (not necessarily in that order). Over the next couple days I hope to write up a few more posts on some of the topics supplied to me by some dear friends (there will be no snow angels- sorry jen) and some other random things, but at least I'm back .............................

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm bad for keeping my blog updated as well... but I'm thinking of blogging this week if I find the time. Some people do it so quickly - and others do it and read and respond to thousands, which I find incredible.
For blog ideas mine are kind of boring, but maybe you are trying new recipes... share those? Or blogs with photos of the pets? More of your crafty work is always good! You do such great work and it inspires me to get back on top of the sewing projects I pulled out in October with the intent to make something.