
Summer time is here!

Hello Again! I am so horrible at posting anything. So over the last couple weeks I have been sewing and knitting so much that I almost forget to sleep. I've been getting things ready for the Fernie Mountain Market that takes place every Sunday morning (for July and august)! Anyone can set up a both the only rule - that you grew it, baked it or made it!
I set up a booth for the first time last week, it was fun. But I will admit its a weird feeling putting your creations out there, I know its not a huge deal but I made these things. Its weird to see people looking at them and wondering if they like them or not. Anyone who knows me knows I have lived in malls for the last 10 years or so, with all my wonderful retail experience. So talking to people or selling comes easy to me, its just a totally different feeling when its something you have created.

I'm currently making some fun purses to take with me this week, as well as more baby stuff. I just wish I had more then one set of hands, that would make things move a little faster.

Oh, on another note, we are fencing in our back yard -----------------WOOO HOOO! Its going to be great for the dog to run around and play without having to be on a rope, I think he hates that! So I am looking forward to that being done (the winter will be alot easier with a yard as well)

Well, short one today, I'll try to post again soon

Hope everyone is having a great summer!


Happy Easter Weekend Everyone!

So, I'm betting there are alot of people looking forward to the long weekend, spending time with family and friends and eating big amounts of great food and chocolate!

Man, I wish I was one of them, holidays make me homesick. This weekend is a big one in many ways. My 2 best friends share birthdays around the holiday (Stef the 8th and Lisa the 13th) then my aunt and grandma are also sharing birthdays (aunt the 8th and grandma the 10th) my mommas is the end of the month. Usually all this means a lot of fun times with the girls (celebrating as only we can) and then having a blast with the family! This year Matt and I will be having dinner here, just the 2 of us, don't get me wrong, love it. But when your used to family functions being loud and crowded, the holidays without them just don't seem like holidays!

So, Happy Easter Everyone! To my family - Have a great day and I can't wait to see all the pictures, love ya!


Sun and the warm breeze!

Just got back from a nice long walk with the dog. Its so beautiful out today. The sun in out, the weather is springlike and I didn't have to wear a big coat! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!

But my question is this, why is it that the first few days like this most people start there "spring cleaning"? I know they call it that for a reason but as soon as we got back from our walk I was cleaning the front hallway, cleaning windows, doing all that kinda stuff. Don't you think we should be programmed to take the first couple days of spring as play days - not cleaning days?!?!?! I was just thinking that as i was washing the floor. Maybe its the fact that you can leave all the windows open and get a nice fresh breeze. Who knows!

Well back to cleaning....

The sun is shining!

Well, the sun is out and its warm, so that's a good sign that the remaining snow might just melt away! Cross your fingers. Its suppose to be up to +10 for the next couple of days and I am looking forward to it. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been very cold out here this winter, it just seems that every time it started to get warm, the next day it would snow again. I want spring, being able to leave all the windows open, the crisp breeze. Wearing a sweatshirt with jeans and going for a long walk. And then maybe we can start planning our deck for the backyard. We've been looking at a few ideas, might do it all ourselves. The hubby is pretty talented and I think I could manage with a little instruction. Then we can set up the patio set and sit out there to enjoy the longer days out here, sometimes in the spring and summer the sun stays out till after 9pm (oh yeah I'm going to love that)

In other late breaking news, we are having 2 wonderful visits in the next 50 days !!!!

Jen and Byron are coming out for a week!(in april) I'm so excited!
Then In May my Momma and Brian are coming out for a visit! How lucky are we? I think I'm kinda spoiled to say the least!

Well, thats it for now! short but sweet!

Oh and one last thing, we repainted the living room ( I think the red was too dark for that end of the room) Let me know what you think!


Its been a while!

Hello again!!!!

I've been getting some trouble for not posting new entries so I thought I should get back to it, this one may be a little short but I thought it best to get something on here !
Matt and I made a trip back to Hamilton at the end of January for about a week and a half! Its hard to believe that was already a month ago. It was great and it went way to fast, we had a great time with family and friends. I got to spend a fun filled night out with some great people and have a few too many drinks ( i miss those fun nights) and spend some great quality time with my family (both sides) so it was a good time. I posted the pics on facebook for anyone that wants to take a look! Since we have been home its back to the normal routine, matt working his 4x4 except 2 of those are night shifts (they suck) and me taking care of the hubby, house and dog (not necessarily in that order). Over the next couple days I hope to write up a few more posts on some of the topics supplied to me by some dear friends (there will be no snow angels- sorry jen) and some other random things, but at least I'm back .............................


Okay , I know ................... I'm sorry!

Its been a little while, sorry about that, I've been lazy! My fault!

So, lets have a little catch up shall we................ Merry Christmas, Happy New year and I've already broke my new years resolution - how about you???

Christmas was quiet out here in the mountains, Matt offered to work so one of the guys he works with could spend the day with his 2 young kids, so we celebrated on the 24Th, turkey and all! Yea, that's right, I made my 2ND turkey and it was yum yum gwoooood! I made way to much food, its hard cooking for only 2 people on a holiday, but who doesn't love leftovers!?!?!? On Christmas day I had a ton of fun on my web cam watching the family back in Ontario open presents, have some laughs and share some shots! Don't you just love technology!

New Years Eve was another quiet one out here, with us not knowing many people yet its a little hard to throw a big bash! Maybe next year! There were some suggestions from friends that we just put a big sign on the window, but that would mean I couldn't wear my track pants so that was out!!!

Now we are into 2009! Holy Moly! How the year flew by and now a new one begins. Well, Matt and I are beginning it with a trip back to Ontario, in a couple days we will fly home to visit all the best of our family and friends!!!! I CAN"T WAIT! I'm so excited! Its going to be great to see everyone and catch up, have some laughs a few drinks and alot of fun! I'm betting there will be some shopping in there too, you know me, love to shop!!!

So, now its on to packing and making sure I don't pack to much in the suitcases, I'll need room for all the goodies I intend to buy!!!

See you soon Ontario!