
Its been a GREAT DAY!

So, yesterday I took the time to make out a plan of what i wanted to do today. I was going to take the truck and drive 2 hours to Cranbrook, to do some Christmas shopping for the hubby, pets and get some things we needed here at home. I made a list , checked it twice. Had a the timing planned out and everything. Then this morning when I get up, its snowing, big fluffy packing snow flakes. This was at 5 am when Matt was getting ready for work, so Matt and I talked about me taking the truck, it doesn't have snow tires or 4 wheel drive. So my plans for the day where shot, I headed back to bed, but not before breaking the dogs dish (oops) having the cat meowing at me for about 2 minutes and dropping the top of Matt's lunch cooler loudly on the floor! I couldn't get back to sleep at first but I was not getting out of bed, I was determined to sleep. I think about 10 minutes after I fell asleep (7am) My hubby calls to tell me that it was a good thing he took the truck because the roads from here to his work (5 minute drive) where horrible. He then asked me if I could take a peek at some used vehicles online because we might need the 4x4 for the winters out here. off to bed I went. Again, it took me a while to get to sleep, again I get woken up by a phone call from my hubby asking me if I had found anything, I tell him, no, I am sleeping remember! oops, the man thinks I am awake because he is...........geez!
So, now we are on the hunt for some form of SUV! Any Suggestions on make or model?? Anyone have suggestions on ones we should stay away from??
Great start to a day, wooooooooo hoooooooooo! I'm going to get coffee now, I think I'm going to need it!!!

A walk in the Mountains!

I know I take to many pictures, but can you blame me with a view like we have out here in Elkford?!?!? We took a walk the other day up one of the logging roads and we could see the town from above (Lisa- the opposite side of town from the view point) it was great.
Nice sunny day, not too cold, just a little snow on the ground, the dog loved it. We all know I took way to many pictures and probably drove my husband and dog crazy! Then I think my husband wanted to return the favor, I'm a worrier, always have been, well Matt takes the dog off the leash while we are outside (which we have never done) and lets him start walking around. I'm terrified that this dog is going to run into the woods, or just take off. Matt ....cool as a cucumber. He starts to play fetch with the dog and that resulted in some cute pics here! But boy oh boy was i worried he was going to run off! I also took some "where's our house" like wheres waldo pics of our house from the mountain. It was a gorgeous day!

Hello, My name is Gym .....................Home Gym!

Matt works for a company that believes that healthy employees are more safe and productive, so they allow all there employees to have what they call "recreational amount" which allows there employees to get a little money back on health oriented things! So, with that said, Matt decided to use his to help buy a home gym..........and here is the story of the trek for the home gym..
The first step in any new purchase is the research, so I started by looking for places to buy gym equipment, and who would have guessed that up in the mountains there aren't any places to buy that kind of stuff. I was shocked! So after a little research it turned out we would have to head to Calgary for our new Gym.

The day started out very early, we decided to get out of the house around 8 so that the 3 hour drive wouldn't feel so long (with traffic). When we walked out the front door, it was a beautiful early morning........see pics here! We hit the Tim Horton's in crows nest pass ..of course , that was a great cup of coffee. The drive was pretty fun, we saw a cattle drive on the way. (should be in the pics folder) and some beautiful sites. When we made it to Calgary I had Matt drop me off at Micheal's, we all know I love the crafts, and I was needing some material for some xmas presents I'm making! By the time I was done in Micheal's ( maybe about 30 - 40 minutes) Matt was back with the monster of a box in the bed of the truck! He was excited! So after a quick stop at Ikea (if I am within 10 km of that place I have to go) and a little desk purchase by me, we headed on down the road!

Matt told me about the gym on the way home and how the guy that sold it to him explained the set up as a 4 beer task! Well, he doesn't know Matt that well then does he???
What followed was a very interesting few hours of plastic wrap, nuts, bolts, and beer! Check out the Pictures and let me know what you think.


Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

We have some beautiful snow on the ground! It started in early morning on Tuesday and its stuck around for a few days for us! I took the puppy out for a walk, he got really excited with all the new snow on the ground. It was a very interesting walk indeed, there was no practicing the Heel or anything like that, he was loving it. I took some pictures that you can find here! And I will be taking more when we head out for a walk today, the sun is shinning and you all know me with the camera, can't stop if i wanted too!

The road I Know!

A few post s ago I told you all about the license switch over and the fact that I have had a beginners license for a long time. When I went to transfer my license it was told to me that I have had my beginners since Nov 13Th 1998!!! Holy Moly!

I am happy to announce that I received my learners (after taking the knowledge test again- Darn tests) On October 29Th 2008!!! And because of the years I have had a learners in Ontario I was able to schedule my drivers test for anytime I wanted - no waiting period! So we came home (with the lovely large capital "L" magnet that has to be on your vehicle during that stage) and I called to book my road test in Sparwood (because Elkford has not traffic lights) but Sparwood was all booked up, it seems that the towns are tiny enough to only schedule road tests on Thursdays! The next available day for a test in Sparwood was Dec 3rd - no thanks, can you imagine doing a road test in 3 feet of snow! I then called Fernie to see if the had any openings, the very nice lady told me there were opening late November of the very next day October 30Th 2008! So, I scheduled my test for 2:45 on the 30Th. Wow, did Matt and I drive around alot that afternoon and the next day before the test.

I am Happy to announce that I PASSED! (we won't talk about the parallel parking) I am Finally a licensed driver and I get to remove the large "L" from the vehicle as not to be a "L"oser any longer, but now get to replace it with a large "N" for "N"icole or as Lisa and I discussed "N"erd!!!! Its green ! Wooo Hooo
I have to drive in this class for at least 24 months then I can take the next road test to get my exit license! Then no more letters!!!

Well, you will all be glad I am driving out here in Elkford instead of around the streets of Hamilton , that's for sure! Watch out world here I come!!!!