
Birthday Thoughts......................Hmmm!

Well, it is official, I am now 30! wow, its not as scary to say it as i thought it might be, who knows maybe it hasn't hit me yet. the twenties are done, but my hubby keeps telling me that the 30's are the new 20's, do you think that has something to do with him turning 32 this coming april? I've had a few friends hit the 30's before me with no complaints so far (I think). So I can do this! It doesn't really change anything except that when someone asks me how old I am I can't get away with telling them 21 anymore, I'll have to up it to 26 or 27 maybe. What does 30 mean to you? What should it mean? Is this where women start to wonder if they have missed out on things in life? Or where they jump at the chance to do something drastically different? What should I be doing differently? do I start using anti wrinkle cream or do I have to stop acting like a child( sometime)? I think "age ain't nothin but a number" and we only feel old if we want to feel old! I have my days that after running around with a young puppy I think, "okay time to sit down" but I don't think I feel old - yet! Maybe once I have some kids and have those sleepless nights then I might start to feel the age. Who knows! It wasn't the shock I thought it would be, I thought when 7:10 pm came around (the time I was born and my momma always reminds me that it was the time I put her in extreme pain) I would start to freak out have a mini panic attack and not know what to do with myself, but it wasn't so. I made it through and now have 10 years to get through before the next (maybe) panic attack!!!

1 comment:

Chris said...

You have a great perspective of age. You are as young as you feel
You don't look a day over 21
Love ya