
Time to Catch Up!

Hello..........its me..........I'm still here! Sorry its been a while since I have updated the blog. Its been a whirlwind of activity in the Holmes household. With me completing alot of Christmas presents and cards. I had a deadline of when to ship things out to get them to people on time! And there DONE!

So to catch people up, we have a newer truck. Matt and I found out the hard way that 2 wheel rear drive does not a good truck make for the Elkford Mountains during winter. It was hard just to get out of the driveway. Every road here is on some form of a hill. So you can imagine the cures words that where coming out of his mouth. (not mine I'm a saint)

So we went to Cranbrook (everyone says that the best place to get vehicles out here) and hubby found a 2006 Silverado with 4 doors that he loved. Its great, it has 4 wheel drive and power doors and windows, seats in the back for all the kiddies (eventually momma - don't worry) and rides pretty nicely. We were lucky to go get it when we did, there was a snow storm that night on our 2 hour drive home, and the truck handled it like it was nothing. I've even driven it, can you believe it?

1 comment:

Chris said...

Nice truck that will make driving much safer for you both