
Paint colors!

When picking paint colors for a room I have always liked to live with the colors for a while! Get some sample cards and place them somewhere that I will see all the time, to see what colors I start to love more and to see if there are any I can take away! Here is a picture of the paint cards I like right now, we are thinking of picking a color for 3 of our walls in our kitchen/living room and then picking one of the beige/whites for the 4Th wall. In the pics you will see the trim around the window, that is the color of all the kitchen cabinets and the trim throughout. So
What do you think? I need votes! let me know your thoughts and choices!

Thanks a brush - I mean Bunch!!!

Driving Mrs. Nicole!

I don't have a full license, I've had a beginners for a very very long time. I took the drivers course last year because my lovely parents made me, love you guys! It was probably the best thing to happen though, otherwise I would have never done it. Now that we are in Elkford, I need a vehicle of my own if i want to work or go anywhere, so on Tuesday I have to take the knowledge test and then schedule my road test. The woman working at the drivers office here in Elkford said that I can take the written test here but would have to schedule my road test in sparwood. BECAUSE Elkford doesn't have any traffic lights and they are required for a road test! How do you like that!!!

After all this testing and road tests, I am going to be getting my first vehicle, I have been doing alot of research online as well as talking to anyone I know about what cars are good or bad. There is a tone of information out there, but who knows what i might end up with, I am pretty sure we are buying used, the pricing is better for us for now.

So wish me luck, cross your fingers and think about how lucky you all are that I live so far away now, your not on my roads!!!
ha ha ha

Hiking Pic!

I wanted to post this as well, I love how clear the water is, its gorgeous!!!


Anyone who knows me would tell you that I'm not a very active person. Don't get my wrong, I love being outside and scenery and all, but if I have projects on the go (knitting or reading) I would rather be watching TV, I am a TV junkie! My husband is the opposite, he would rather be outside and he usually will turn the TV off, saying something like " that TV is always one" (even if its only been on for an hour)
So yesterday we decided to go for a hike and took Rylie with us. Rylie is now almost 5 months old and 42 lbs. He's learning all the walking stuff - heel, sit , stay , down etc. Matt and I got him in the truck (hes a little bit of a chicken about the truck) then headed to a walking path we have taken a few times in the past. As soon as that dog was on his 4 feet, he was gone. His nose to the ground and a steady pace the whole time. We walked all the way into the falls and then back so about 2 hours of walking altogether. It was a beautiful day for it, the sun was shinning and it was pretty warm.
That dog was asleep in the truck (which was a 5 minute ride home) and then slept for a couple hours when we got back!!
Gorgeous day, nice hike - maybe I'll get active yet!!! Maybe!!!



So, I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving. We did! The turkey attempt was a success, I didn't burn it or under cook it and the hubby liked it, score on all points. Other then a great thanksgiving, we have started to walk rylie outside, and he is loving it. The funny thing about our walks is that he doesn't like cars, he runs to the side of the road (the shoulder - onto the grass) and sits down. It takes us a few seconds after the car has passed to get him to start walking again. At least that means we won't have to worry about him running towards cars for a while!
You might have noticed the you tube box at the bottom of the blog, I am trying to find fun things to add, and anyone who knows me knows how addicted I am to youtube! Let me know what you think about the blog, send any ideas my way! This should be fun!!!


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Well, I hope everyone is wearing their stretchy pants today...............its a great day to spend with family and cook a huge meal! Out here in Elkford Matt and I will be having our first thanksgiving as a married couple - and do you know what I am doing to celebrate that- I am attempting my very first turkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how scared are you??? It should be an interesting experience and I will take pics along the way to see how it goes. Wish Me Luck! I might need it!!!!



It snowed wednesday! Just for a little while and it didn't stay on the ground for very long but it was my first elkford snowfall. wooo hooo! Here's a pic! Oh and when I woke up this morning there was more snow! So after a walk to the store I will take some pictures of the snow, if its still around!

Rylie and friends!

So, Most of you know that we have a puppy now. His name is Rylie and he is now 17 weeks ( 4 months and one week). He is a yellow lab, who is growing inches by the day! The last vet trip was middle of sept and he was 30 lbs. Oh my! Well anyone out there who has had a puppy knows that you have to watch them every second. No difference here with this little (or big) guy, he loves to explore and see everything. The other day I was doing the dishes, (yes I am a house wife at the moment) and noticed he wasn't in the kitchen- he likes to be close to whoever is around- so when I looked to see where he was headed I noticed him going into the office. When I followed to see what he was doing, I found him looking out the front window of our place. It had seemed he had made a new friend. There he was looking right at a large deer, that was about 2 feet from the front window and the deer was looking right back. That's a daily thing here, the deer come around in the mid morning and afternoon to eat some of the grass. I was glad I could grab it on film though, so that I could show you all how it is here for us. Its so beautiful. What do you think we should name Rylie's new friend????

Fall colors!

The other day I decided to make Matt take me to a little walking path in the middle of town so that I could take some Pictures. The fall colors are so vivid on a sunny day. It's cool here now, if the sun is out your warm, but if its a cloudy day your feeling the temp drop fast. Anyone who knows me, knows I usually have my camera attached at the hip, so you can imagine the amount of pictures I have taken since we have moved here. I still think I want to take my film camera out and get back to the basics, mess around with the depth and try some stuff. Not sure where I could go around here to develop the film though. Who Knows!
Well, I am going to add an album of pics on facebook, Haven't figures out how to do it on here yet, but I will put up one pic so you can see what I mean about the colors.


The adventure begins

Well, Its been about 2 years since I have done any blogging, A lot has happened in that time! I moved back to Hamilton Ontario! Got Engaged then Married to the love of my life and high school sweetheart (few years separated in there) and now we have decided to make the move out to B.C. The hubby found a great job up in Elkford, B.C. If you look it up you will find it high in the mountains right by the Alberta border! The town is tiny with a population of 2500 people! Compared to Hamilton which is around 500 000 people, I'm going to have some adjusting to do. So a good friend of mine (batty) suggested I start this blog and tell you all about my adventures out here in the woods! So, here we go! We bought a house - well its really called a modular home, There like mobile homes in outside shape but done differently on the inside. And they make up a lot of the places in the mountains because its so expensive and hard to have building supplies brought in. So, ours is on a court with about 20 other modular homes, in a residential area of Elkford. I love our new home. The kitchen alone makes me smile! We have a 2 bedroom house with a large open concept living room and kitchen, I like the open space! We have started to buy some furniture for our living room with some gifts from people at my past employer (those girls rock) and gifts from family and friends! Its coming together! Other then that its just getting used to the new routine of 4 shifts on 4 shifts off (my husbands schedule) and taking care of a 4 month old puppy! He weighs 35 pounds already! (the puppy, not my husband) So as of right now, I'm a full time house wife and puppy caregiver! Its very different for me then what I have been used too. Working in retail for about 14 years you get used to the people, crowds and pace of a city. Well here we have I small strip mall that has ( are you ready for it) 1 post office, 1 movie store, 2 general stores, 1 liquor store (woo - i can stay), 1 dental office, and one grocery store! Someone in Hamilton asked me to find out how many traffic lights there are here in Elkford! I've been keeping my eyes peeled and guess what --- NONE!!!! Yes, that's right, NONE! There are stop signs everywhere but not traffic lights , how do you like them apples!There are 2 gas station/convenience store locations, One convenience store around the corner from our house - in the same parking lot as the Lamplighter Pub! The only other bar in town is in the hotel that's right by the strip mall. We have a library, pool and rec center in town. The rest I haven't been able to explore too much yet. The Elk Vally consists of 3 towns close together - Elkford, Sparwood and Fernie. Sparwood and Fernie are driving distance from us on the one highway in or out of our little town. The highway will bring you to Elkford, but doesn't continue past us, we are the 'end of the road' as the saying seems to go!So this blog will hopefully help me stay in touch with all my friends and keep you all updated on the Crazy goings on in Elkford B.C and the adventures that Matt and I will have! Talk to you all soon.