

Anyone who knows me would tell you that I'm not a very active person. Don't get my wrong, I love being outside and scenery and all, but if I have projects on the go (knitting or reading) I would rather be watching TV, I am a TV junkie! My husband is the opposite, he would rather be outside and he usually will turn the TV off, saying something like " that TV is always one" (even if its only been on for an hour)
So yesterday we decided to go for a hike and took Rylie with us. Rylie is now almost 5 months old and 42 lbs. He's learning all the walking stuff - heel, sit , stay , down etc. Matt and I got him in the truck (hes a little bit of a chicken about the truck) then headed to a walking path we have taken a few times in the past. As soon as that dog was on his 4 feet, he was gone. His nose to the ground and a steady pace the whole time. We walked all the way into the falls and then back so about 2 hours of walking altogether. It was a beautiful day for it, the sun was shinning and it was pretty warm.
That dog was asleep in the truck (which was a 5 minute ride home) and then slept for a couple hours when we got back!!
Gorgeous day, nice hike - maybe I'll get active yet!!! Maybe!!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I hope you're having fun training that beast (you can assume I'm talking about the dog, because I think Matt is pretty well trained by now!)