

So, I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving. We did! The turkey attempt was a success, I didn't burn it or under cook it and the hubby liked it, score on all points. Other then a great thanksgiving, we have started to walk rylie outside, and he is loving it. The funny thing about our walks is that he doesn't like cars, he runs to the side of the road (the shoulder - onto the grass) and sits down. It takes us a few seconds after the car has passed to get him to start walking again. At least that means we won't have to worry about him running towards cars for a while!
You might have noticed the you tube box at the bottom of the blog, I am trying to find fun things to add, and anyone who knows me knows how addicted I am to youtube! Let me know what you think about the blog, send any ideas my way! This should be fun!!!


Lisa said...

Congrats on a good first turkey...Christmas should be even easier for you!!
I think you should add some videos of Rylie's outside adventures! DO IT!

Heather said...

Hi pretty girl...
I think this is a pretty good way for you to keep us all up to date on your life!
Glad the turkey turned out as well as you'd hoped - thankfully I had two turkey dinners and didn't ahve to cook for either ;)